The Evolving Role of the Clinical Trial Monitor and Study Team Members in the Age Risk Based Monitoring (RBM)

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Authors : Prajna Panda Kumar



Clinical trial monitoring is broadly based on protecting the rights and the well-being of the human research subjects, overseeing the progress of the trial, and ensuring that the trial is conducted in compliance with the applicable regulations, SOPs and study documents [1]. The systematic application of the recently introduced Risk Based Monitoring (RBM) technique is facilitating a collaborative vigilance approach, and a new definition of clinical trial monitor is evolving. A clinical trial monitor no longer seems to be a single entity but a group of people from cross functional teams that share joint accountability for overall data monitoring and quality governance framework.


To explore the evolving role of a clinical trial monitor and other key study team members in the Risk Based Monitoring landscape.


A literature search was conducted, followed by several discussions and brain storming sessions with key functional study team members currently working in the RBM pilot trials. Some limitations with this methodology were a lack of available literature specific to the topic under study, as well as the lack of sufficient industry experience in the implementation of the RBM practices at present.


Conventional monitoring was based mostly on data review in silos by the monitors. RBM and the associated technologies have created an opportunity to assess the study and center specific risks at each level of the data hierarchy by the appropriately qualified study team members for a continuous governance of clinical study data. The roles and responsibilities of these core study team members are continuously shifting and it is likely that this shift, along with training and continuous adaptation, will re-define the face of a clinical trial monitor while also leveraging the quality of clinical trial outcomes overall.


1.      Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative. Effective and efficient monitoring as a component of quality. Available at:­topics/study-quality/effective-and-efficient-monitoring-as-a-component-of-quality. Accessed July 7, 2014.

2.      Cognizant. Risk-Based Monitoring Strategies for Improved Clinical Trial Performance. Available at:­Strategies-for-Improved-Clinical-Trial-Performance.pdf. Accessed Oct 3, 2014.

3.      E6 Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated guidance for the industry, April 1996. Available at: Accessed Oct 2, 2014.

4.      European Medicines Agency. Reflection paper on risk based quality management in clinical trials. Available at: Accessed Jul 29, 2014.

5.      Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for Industry: Oversight of Clinical Investigations — A Risk-Based Approach to Monitoring. Available at: Accessed Jul 07, 2014.

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7.      Morrison B, Cochran C, Giangrande J, et al. 2011. Monitoring the Quality of Conduct of Clinical Trials: A Survey of Current Practices. Clinical Trials, 8:342–349.

8.      PMDA. Basic Rules of the Risk-Based Approach to Monitoring Clinical Trials. Available at:­content/uploads/2014/02/JapanGuidanceforRBMJuly2013.pdf. Accessed October 10, 2014.

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11.  TransCelerate Biopharma Inc. Position Paper: Risk-Based Monitoring Methodology, September 2013.