WI-FI Path Finding for Indoor Localization Using 802.11 Standards

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.03.01.Art041

Authors : Sikandar Khan, Saeeda Usman, Adeel Akam


Wi-Fi performs a figurative role for interior surroundings in localization lacking of any supplementary procedure or tools by means of IEEE 802.11principles. User’s site is planned on the foundation of Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) commencing of Access Points (AP’s) contained by coverage vicinity through using Revisiting Hata Okumara Formula model and method adopted is Trilateration. Tentative outcomes concluded that results are improved approximately concerning about 1.1m referenced to preceding work using the similar practice. Statistical figures shows upgrading of outcome in efficiency and being exact enough to situate user surrounded by 1m or lesser in an enclosed atmosphere.


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