A Review on the Drugs Approved By US-FDA and DCGI

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJCR.2014.03.01.Art028

Authors : Vandana


Drugs : Drug is the chemical substance may be synthesized or derived naturally and is use for its therapeutic effect It plays a vital role in life it is meant to diagnose, mitigate, cure, prevent, or treat or modify the physiological condition. Drug is meant for the safeguard of public health.

Importance of the medicines: medicines are considered to be one of the vital need of the human being. One has to rely upon this once or oftenly in their life time in order to maintain their physical and mental health. In ancient times the illness was considered to be gods wish but after certain period the revolution came and now that is era and till date continuous introduction of drugs to the patient need is available. After continuous Discovery and introduction of the drug the public health is being improved. And the mortality rate compare to ancient time has been reduced.


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