Impulsivity and Self-Sabotaging Behavior: A Case Study

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DOI: 10.21522.TIJPY.2016.02.02.Art001

Authors : Dion Robeau Thompson


Rush to judgment is a frequently used strategy aimed at helping persons cope with stressors, they deem too demanding on their self-esteem. There are a numerous studies postulated as reasons self-sabotaging from general procrastination, cognitive distortions, to fear of failing, however, studies associated with impulsivity in relation to cognitive processing has been shortcoming. This case study examines the role of impulsivity on cognitive self-sabotaging behaviour. Using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965), to identify levels of self-esteem, along with a series of interviews, the findings indicate that there appears to be an association between cognitive impulsiveness and self-sabotaging behaviour. Further studies are needed to assess, to what extent this phenomenon can be applied to a larger population.

Keywords: Rush to Judgment, Impulsivity, Low Self-Esteem, Faulty Assumptions, Poor Risk Management, Self-Sabotaging Behavior, Self-Handicapping, Self-Defeating Habits.


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