Impact of Communication Styles and Social Influence on Major Decisions and Emotional well-being: A review article

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.SE.19.02.Art002

Authors : Bhawna Suri


Background: The crux of human life lies in making decisions from minor to major. However, one’s positive development is highly contributed by interpersonal relationships with one’s family, friends, and the surroundings which eventually altogether lead to collective decision making based on mutual choices, beliefs, and values about the social world. But sooner or later, a decision maker confronts a situation to set priorities for self and society both; meanwhile visualizing the consequences of a good or bad decision. This turmoil as a result of belongings observed in decision-making process suggests for literature to be reviewed in-order to understand the interaction of cognitive, emotional, meta-cognitive, neuro cognitive and other factors with the psycho-social realm. Objective: To analyze the historical and recent data on ‘how one’s way of communicating and influence by close relatives, peers, and other influencers knowingly or unknowingly impact one’s major decisions related to career, habit formation, and relationships.’ Conclusion: Critical evaluation of social cognition, social support together with communication styles affecting major decisions and emotional-wellbeing is discussed. Two reactions ‘Rebel or Surrender’ by people towards social influence is presented. The scope of exploratory questions synthesized from research gap is introduced.


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