Research Structure, and Quality of Academic Research in the Public Universities of the Republic of South Sudan

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.08.04.Art007

Authors : Aquila Hakim M. Jongroor


The purpose of the research is to evaluate the quality of academic research in public universities in the Republic of South Sudan with the objectives of establishing the relationship between research structure and quality of academic research. Descriptive and cross-sectional designs using both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The study was carried out in the five Universities. Both random and purposive sampling methods were used to identify 23 heads of departments, 65 teaching staff, and 205 dissertations reviewed with an average response rate of 91%. Three tools were deployed to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. These include interview guide, observation checklist, and questionnaire. Participants consented before they participated in the study, and approvals were sought at the different levels. Utilized computation of research aggregates using the SPSS V 2. Descriptive statistical analysis was used for demographic information, and correlation analysis was used to determine relationships between variables and factors that may predict the quality of academic research. There is a positive correlation between independents variables (research procedure r = 0.672, structure r = 0.698, format r = 0.8311 with p < 0.01). This implies that academic research structure contributes to good academic research. In conclusion, the structure of the academic research is not consistent between the five public universities in South Sudan, between the faculties and departments of the same public university. Academic research structure is positively correlated with the quality of the academic research in public universities of the Republic of South Sudan. There is consistency in the general structure of the academic research.


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