The Impact of Promotional Pricing on Marketing Performance in the Nigerian Telecommunication Industry. A Study of MTN Enugu State Nigeria

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.10.04.Art007

Authors : Nene Uko Ogba


The study aims to discover how promotional pricing affects marketing performance at MTN in Nigeria's Enugu State. Multiple linear regressions were employed to evaluate the hypotheses, and a quantitative research approach was used. An explanatory research approach was used to investigate and explain the effect of promotional pricing on marketing performance. The probability sampling method, which selects the sample using stratified randomization, was employed in this investigation. The sample size was calculated using the RAOSOFT sample size calculator, which suggested a sample size of 297. Factor analysis was then performed to test the validity of the numerous scale items that make up the subconstruct in the model. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Cronbach's alpha were used to test the data's sufficiency, appropriateness, and robustness. The SPSS 28.0 version was used to analyse the information gathered from respondents. The findings demonstrate that promotional pricing influences customer satisfactions, brand switching, and customer loyalty among MTN consumers in Enugu State, Nigeria. The outcomes further support the model's applicability and robustness in evaluating the correlations among the variables that are important to this investigation. It is advised that MTN in Nigeria's Enugu State take customer pleasure into account as a precondition for boosting customer loyalty through special pricing. The paper ends with a call for additional research to examine the model's applicability and robustness in a wide range of contexts and industries.

Keywords: Customer brand switching, Customer loyalty, Customer satisfaction and promotional pricing.


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