Exploring How Three Psychological Factors: Attitude, Interest and Readiness has Affected Students’ Performance in Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Examination in Mathematics

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.10.04.Art018

Authors : Mark A. Lewis


Academic performance of students is usually dependent on the individual intellectual and cognitive ability. However, several students face issues with leaning performance, mainly in mathematics. This study examines the effects of three psychological variables—readiness, interest, and attitude—on students' performance on the mathematics portion of the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) Exam. These elements need to be carefully considered because they have a big impact on how well pupils succeed in school. The complex characteristic of attitude, which is impacted by both heredity and experiences, shapes students' attitudes towards mathematics. Interest, which is described as a genuine love of the subject, influences learning outcomes through influencing students' engagement, motivation, and readiness, which comprises preparedness and personal qualities, affects students' ability to comprehend and apply mathematical concepts. The research proposes a conceptual framework that explains how these psychological factors impact performance on the CSEC Mathematics Examination. On the other side, enthusiastic attitudes and interest promote a supportive learning environment. Furthermore, traits like mentality and self-discipline affect pupils' preparation. The attitudes, interests, and readiness of students are also influenced by the teachers' methods of instruction, the dynamics in the classroom, and the subjects covered in the lessons. In conclusion, psychological factors have a big impact on how well students do on the CSEC Mathematics Exam. Teachers and governments can improve students' learning experiences and outcomes in mathematics education by recognizing the interplay of attitudes, interest, and preparation.

Keywords: Attitude, Interest, Readiness.


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