Post Graduate Students Readiness for Elearning (A Case Study at the College of Distance Education, University of Cape Coast)

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.03.01.Art008

Authors : Valentina Arkorful, Nelly Abaidoo


The use of eLearning is changing teaching and learning processes from the sage on the stage to the guide on the side approach. Students can easily access their study materials on an eLearning platform regardless of time and space through digital means. In this research, Post Graduate students of the College of Distance Education (CoDE) of the university of Cape Coast, offering Business and Education programmes were assessed on their readiness for the use of the College of Distance Education’s eLearning platform. A total number of 60 students enrolled for the 2015-2016 Academic Year using the eLearning platform were sampled for the study. A questionnaire was administered to all of the students to assess their perceived self efficacy in the use of ICT tools, their attitude towards eLearning and the perceived barriers to the use of an eLearning platform. Research findings showed that most students had a positive attitude towards the use of ICT tools and were ready to use the eLearning platform.


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