Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Therapeutic Options: A Review

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DOI: 10.21522./TIJBMS.2016.03.01.Art002

Authors : Gaitree Ramkumar, Jagan Nadipelly, Siyabonga Caleb Mathenjwa, Gaitree Ramkumar


Background: Peripheral neuropathy is characterized by distal damage to neurons along PNS which consists of loss of function. This would result from various factors.

Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN), a side effect of chemotherapy decreasing quality of life. There are various mechanisms by which these cause CIPN are neuronal structural and functional alterations.

Method: Background searches into peripheral neuropathy and the chemotherapeutic agents that induce CIPN and their mechanisms were done from a series of journal databases.

Treatment options were sought from the same databases dating between 2003 and 2019. From this the therapeutic options that have been explored and tried and the updates to these have been enumerated a discussed.

Discussion: CIPN manifests from a heterogenous group of aetiologies. One standardized treatment option is not available for proper treatment of CIPN. Research over the years has produced methods of prevention and treatment for CIPN patients, including the use of preventative therapy, polypharmacy and some specific first line drugs. Nonpharmacological methods of treating CIPN comprises of the recent use of medicinal plants and complementary therapies for severe pain relief and better quality of life for these patients.

Future Scope of Studies: Over the past decade, despite many efforts to develop a standardized treatment for CIPN, there has been little success. As a result, many more future studies are strongly indicated.

Keywords: Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy, Chemotherapy, Neuralgia, Neuropathy Mechanisms, Peripheral Neuropathy Therapy.


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