Characterization of Selected Medicinal Plants of Mamanwa Tribe in Caraga, Philippines

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DOI: 10.21522./TIJBMS.2016.04.01.Art005

Authors : Levitah C Mapatac, Levitah C Mapatac


Mamanwa indigenous people (IP) mostly lived in Caraga region, Philippines. Most of them depended on the traditional method of herbal plants for medication. This study aims to determine the bioactive compounds present in the fifteen ethnomedicinal plants extract through IR spectrophotometric analysis for the presence of the different functional group in the plant extract. The presence of the peaks forms IR spectroscopy for the stretching of O-H/ N-H, C-H, C-O and C-Cl /C-S, S-H, N=O and C=O for the functional groups alcohols, carboxylic acids, alkanes, alkenes, halogens, amide, aromatic compounds, ethers, amino acids, lactones, nitro compounds, acid anhydrides and aldehydes that makes this possible potential antibiotics and medicine.

Keywords: Mamanwa IP, functional groups, ethnomedicine & IR spectrophotometric analysis.


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