Analysis of Total Phenol, Cellulose and Tannin Content by Using Different Parameters in Ethanol Extract of Pomegranate Peel

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DOI: 10.21522./TIJBMS.2016.02.02.Art005

Authors : Vijayalakshmi T, A. Chandra Mohan, Dhanarajan M.S


Pomegranate (Punicagranatum L.) is considered one of the oldest known edible fruits. Pomegranate peels are characterized by an interior network of membranes comprising almost 26–30% of total fruit weight and are characterized by substantial amounts of phenolic compounds, including flavonoids and tannins. Pomegranate fruit and its peel exhibit a high antioxidant potential. Pomegranate peel attracts attention due to its apparent wound healing properties, Antioxidative activity has often been associated with a decreased risk of various diseases. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of using different parameters with ethanol extract and estimate the efficiency of effective compounds, such as polyphenolic, cellulose and tannin compounds from the pomegranate peel extracts.

Keywords: Pomegranate peel extracts, polyphenolic, cellulose and tannin.


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