Validity of Modified Early Obstetric Warning System (Meows) In Low Resource Setting: A Case of St. Francis Hospital Nsambya, Kampala, Uganda

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJCR.2014.05.01.Art006

Authors : Omona Kizito, Okello B Otuu, Zaake Daniel, Sekweyama Peter


Introduction: Globally every day, about 830 women die due to complications of pregnancy and child birth. Of these deaths, 99% occur in low-resource settings, and most could be prevented. Use of Modified Early Obstetric Warning System (MEOWS) would be appropriate. MEOWS is a monitoring chart intended to identify mothers at risk and initiate the right action, at right time by the appropriately skilled clinicians, at a time when treatment might make a difference to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity.

Objectives: To determine the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of Modified Early Obstetric Warning System (MEOWS) in correctly identifying women at risk of developing obstetric morbidity in St. Francis Hospital_Nsambya between January and February, 2016

Methods: The study was a prospective cohort study conducted at St. Francis Hospital Nsambya, maternity ward, from January to February 2016. MEOWS monitoring tool was used alongside with questionnaires.

Result: 502 respondent mothers were enrolled in the study. 160patients (31.9%) triggered and of which: 11.5% of them had obstetric morbidity which included postpartum haemorrhage-35.5%, preeclampsia-26.3%, suspected infection-22.4%, third degree perineum tear-5.3%, anaesthetic complications-4% and prolong hospital stay-7%. MEOWS was 81.7% sensitive (95% CI 80-94%), 76.3% specific (95% CI 74-81%), with a positive predictive value 36.3% (95% CI 31-44%) and negative predictive value of 96.2% (95% CI 94-99%).

Conclusion: MEOWS chart is even effective for use in low resource setting, like Uganda.

Keywords: Modified Early Obstetric Warning System (MEOWS). Sensitivity. Validity. Predictive values. Maternal Morbidity. Maternal Mortality.


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