Registered Nurses Perception of Shared Governance with Index Professional Nursing Governance Tool Perception of Shared Governance

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.05.02.Art008

Authors : Shila Sajan, Al Faisal W


The present study explores how registered nurses perceive shared governance and how they implement in their workplace, especially on how they lead or how they are being led. The analyses of survey data provide us with valuable information specific to nurse's perceptions in a different work environment. It might forecast aid in innovative decision-making processes.

Method: A descriptive survey with Hess Index of professional nursing governance was used in the study. All RNs working on the clinical side and in the administrative area are selected to participate in the study. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.

Results: Data analysis in the study revealed RN s perception towards the type of governance was determined by the mean score and find out that shared governance is practiced as per the guidelines set up by the IPNG Tool. As per the objective of my study, it revealed that there is no significant difference in the perception between administrative nurses and clinical side nurses in all IPNG subscale, It can be due to the difference in the number of participants, as 13% of administrative nurses only participated in a survey whereas 87% were clinical nurses. Comparing the clinical specialty with subscales showed a significant difference in participation, goals, and practice where P value is < 0.05, and also related to education. But no significant difference noticed among age or gender.

Conclusion: This study seeks to understand the relationship between different perceptions and views related to shared governance.

Keywords: Registered nurse, Shared governance, Perception, Index Professional Nursing Governance, decision making, empowerment.


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