Breast Cancer and Management

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.02.02.Art003

Authors : Ilenbarenemen Doris Omoze


Amongst the leading cause of death for women, breast cancer is the second leading cause of death and most commonly diagnosed. But good news to the world because in the recent times or lately, death rate has decreased as a result of health education and tools put in place to detect it early. This write up will show us the preventive and therapeutic management that have given rise to an impressive figure of survivors of breast cancer in different countries most especially the USA which has a survivor of 2.5 million.

Going through recent studies, the assessment carried out by the primary care provider regarding screening for breast cancer was geared towards decisions about when to initiate mammography—the process of using low energy x-ray to examine the human breast. Emphasis was made on early diagnosis as the best protection against breast cancer morbidity.

However, there have been recent developments in the ability to predict and modify breast cancer risk. It is therefore important for the health care provider to be able to recognize women at higher risk for breast cancer and be familiar with issues regarding screening and reduction of risk. Recent data regarding the evaluation of breast cancer risk, newer screening strategies for high-risk women, and medical and surgical intervention to minimize breast cancer and its risk, are presented in the project.

Every year 170,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer; screening for breast cancer is one of the topics that primary care providers should address with their patients. Screening for breast cancer has been extensively endorsed and most women in the United States more than 40 years old participate in screening activities. In the community mammography remains the main screening tool. However, there have been several important developments in the ability to predict and modify breast cancer risk. Recently, data have become available regarding the evaluation of risk, screening strategies for high- risk women, and medical and surgical approaches that can decrease breast cancer risk. Women who are concerned about their risk for breast cancer and should be counseled and managed appropriately. It is important for primary care providers to be conversant with these issues. In my first three blocks which are health education, nursing informatics and ethical issues in nursing, the practice of health education, counseling, electronic health records were discovered to prevent diseases and decrease high mortality and morbidity rate. It is on this ground that I chose the topic breast cancer in women and management, sighting different methods from research by which breast cancer can be prevented, the role of the nurse in the stated aspect so that breast could be a thing of past in the nearest future. With the knowledge of nursing informatics, data analysis with tables, bar charts and pie charts were used to illustrate the results in this project.


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