The Education Policy with the Most Impact on the Development of Primary Education and the Implications for Attaining Sustainable Development Goal 4

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.05.02.Art005

Authors : Romeo gloverberg


The study aimed at investigating the education policy with the most impact on primary education in Ghana and the implications for attaining Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). The variables for the study were chosen from a population comprising of teaching staffs from the seven (7) primary Schools in Dansoman in the Greater Accra Region and other stakeholders of the education sector of Ghana. A sample size of 100 respondents were selected from stakeholder including Ghana Education Service (GES), Ministry of Education (MoE), West African Examination Council (WAEC), the seven primary schools and district offices of education as well as direct beneficiaries of education policies such as students and parents within the Greater Accra region. Questionnaires and structured interview guides were used to garner information from respondents.

The study found out that Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) is the most effective education policy in Ghana. However, in order for this policy to be effective towards provision of quality education (SDG4), there must be supplementary policies that ensures economic and financial empowerment of parents and households to provide materials, food, transportation and other basic education needs of students.

The study also recommends that staff motivation packages, training and development that seek to achieve universal basic education in a long run is not neglected.

Keywords: Keywords: impact, policy, motivation, training, and development.


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