Globalization and Collective Bargaining In Nigeria

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.02.01.Art009

Authors : Okache Susan Ochotukpo


This review basically was script, review and to critic the article ‘Globalization and Collective Bargaining in Nigeria’, which was gotten from the European Journal of Business and Management. The steps in which the article will be reviewed as follows: summary of the article, looked at a brief analysis of the structure of the article, examine the information, setting and how effectual it is to the reader. Also, reviewed key points (Labor, Globalization, Collective Bargaining and Industrial Action. This article shows the extent of how globalization had aided or hindered collective bargaining in Nigeria and the setbacks it creates and not the positive influence. Another hand, to evaluate the literature review to check source and reliability of the information used for the article. Other aspect of the review will be done on the authority of the article, to assert the authenticity of the document, the currency, objectivity, accuracy, relevance and importance of the article will be critic and reviewed. The content of the article spoke to the title of the article, spoke to three core contents that defined and explained the effect of globalization to collection bargaining in Nigeria.


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