A Study Protocol to Assess Accessibility, Utilization, and Compliance on Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Services in South Sudan Context

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.04.04.Art021

Authors : Katwesige wycliff


Introduction: Provision of Sexual reproductive health (SRH) to people living in complex humanitarian emergencies is quite challenging. According to World Health Organization (WHO), addressing the health needs of adolescents living in crisis and fragile settings is a fundamental step on the pathway to both sustain the gains of the millennium development goals and achieve the new 2030 sustainable development goals. South Sudan’s humanitarian situation remains fragile, precarious, complex and uncertain. The capacity of the nation to respond to the health of its people is crumbled. More than 4.9 million People are in dire need of humanitarian assistance, maternal mortality rate is 789, 33% of the population is youth under 24years. There remain uncertainties as to whether the humanitarian response efforts are taking account of adolescent needs. This project will assess the accessibility, utilization and compliance of adolescents (aged 10-19 years) to health services provision within WHO set standards from selected camps in South Sudan. The study results shall inform advocacy and programming of SRH services by humanitarian partners.

Methodology: The search criteria will include; Cochrane libraries, PubMed, and others. Literature will be organized and referenced by research software like Mendeley. A cross-sectional study using qualitative and quantitative approaches will be conducted. Results will be analyzed using WHO recommended expand-net framework.

Ethics: Participation in an assessment will be voluntary. Parental consent for minors will be obtained before participating in the study. Approval from South Sudan Ministry of Health ethical committee shall be sought.1951 conventions of rights of refugees will be respected.

Foot note: The cross-section, Complex. Humanitarian, Adolescent, sexual Reproductive Health, Refugees, South Sudan


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