Views and Perceptions of Teachers and Adolescents on Adolescent’s Pregnancy in School in Kavango Region, Namibia

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.05.02.Art003

Authors : Taimi Amakali-Nauiseb, Honore K Mitonga, Joan M. Kloppers


The objective of this study was to determine the views and perceptions of teachers and adolescent’s on adolescent’s pregnancy in school in Kavango Region, Namibia.

A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted using mixed methods - quantitative approaches among 350 school learners (grade 6 to grade 12) and 150 school dropout adolescents (aged 12 to 19 years). For the qualitative approaches 15 school learners and 25 teachers went through an in-depth interview. In total a sample of 540 was utilized.

The stratified random sampling techniques were used in the selections of the circuit and the schools. Structured questionnaires were used in face-to-face interviews, and in depth interviews were conducted among the key informants (teachers).

Themes and subthemes were identified and discussed: Challenges for learners in grasping or understanding the concept on reproductive health towards; Poverty – early marriages, bribe from men. Identified cultural barriers on reduction of the prevalence of adolescent pregnancy, towards; Culture – uncomfortable and shy to talk about sex.

The study found that the following aspects/factors: lack of parental supervision; poverty; lack of knowledge and communication skills to talk to their children regarding sex & contraceptives; parental irresponsibility; lack of sex education; were associated with adolescent pregnancy in Kavango region.

Keywords: Adolescents, Teachers, Reproductive health, Sexual health.


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