Mix Communications Strategies and Rate of Utilization During Polio Vaccination Campaign Retrospective Study in Western Bahar E-Lgzal State, Republic of South Sudan Wau

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Authors : Mezgebu Chaka


Effective communication activity is an essential type of program action in support of Polio eradication initiatives (PEI), and routine immunization. Communication activity includes: Social mobilization, Advocacy, and behavioral change communication aspired to improve immunization services and use of those services. Other key components of effective immunization services include: Vaccine procurement for service delivery, cold chain, logistics and capacity building for health workers to provide high quality immunization service and to conduct surveillance on vaccine preventable disease to monitor disease circulation in the country to guide immunization Polio eradication initiative (PEI) was launched in May 1989 by world health Assembly (WHA) resolve to eradicate poliomyelitis from the word by the year 200 using the following strategies;


1.      Communication hand book for routine Immunization, WHO

2.      Communication guideline for Immunization, August 2013

3.      Communication for Polio Eradication and routine Immunization, WHO, 2002

4.      Global Immunization Data July 2014

5.      Polio eradication and end game strategy plan (2013-2018), by WHO, UNICEF, and CDC