Perceived Effects of Pregnancy on the Academic Performances of Female Nursing Students in Imo State University Owerri. Nigeria

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Authors : Ezenwuba Clementina O


This study was on perceived effects of pregnancy on the academic performances of female nursing students in Imo State University, Owerri, Imo State. Nigeria. The objectives of this study was to determine the level of awareness of challenges of pregnancy on the academic performance of nursing students, types of academic challenges due to pregnancy and the effects of pregnancy on the academic performance of nursing students in IMSU. Three research questions were formulated to guide the work. Literature was reviewed based on the objectives. A descriptive survey design was used in which 62 respondents were selected using census survey. Questionnaire was used to collect data that was analyzed using frequency, percentages and charts. Pilot study was conducted and reliability coefficient of 0.8 was obtained. The study revealed that 50 (80.6%) of the pregnant nursing students are aware of the challenges of pregnancy on academic, the students experience challenges such as physical discomfort in 24(38.7%), reduced concentration span in 17(17.7%) and missing of lectures in 53 (85.5%). These affect their academics as they result in (30.6%) absenteeism, (27.4%) low academic performance, (24.2%) difficulty adjusting to motherhood as pregnant students and (17.7%) rewriting of courses.

Conclusion was drawn based on the findings. Recommendations and suggestions were made for further studies were made.


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