A Workshop on Laboratory Quality Assurance – an Evaluation of the Quality of Clinical Testing using HIV Rapid Testing as the Port of Entry in Three Health Districts in South West Region of Cameroon

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Authors : Gwanfogbe Anna Kadaa


As HIV rapid testing expands to non-laboratory settings, ensuring the quality and accuracy of HIV test results becomes more critical in HIV diagnosis, care and treatment. A number of tools to monitor and improve test accuracy such as hands-on workshop, liquid or dried tube specimen-based proficiency testing programs, retesting strategies, and supervisory visits have been implemented as part of a national quality assurance (QA) program in resource limited settings.

Dried Tube Specimen (DTS) is a QA tool which was developed by GAP/International laboratory Branch at CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) for monitoring and evaluating the quality of HIV testing in laboratories. It is especially adapted for use in resource limited countries because it is lyophilized and can be stored at room temperature for up to four weeks.

The standardized logbook was developed as an ongoing QA tool to monitor and evaluate the performance of the HIV testing sites, personnel competence, view testing trends and evaluate the different types of tests used. The goal of the logbook database is to capture all data from the monthly summaries and provide a detailed analysis that will identify key areas of improvement at the site, district, or national level.


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