Effects of Big Data Management on Industrial Growth: A Case for the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Countries

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.08.03.Art008

Authors : Bulus Pikitda


Industrial growth is an essential condition for sustainable economic development. However, data management also plays an important role in ensuring effective planning and result-oriented decision-making in an organization. Although big data management is essential in this regard, its usage in most countries seems to be a new field. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of big data management on industrial growth in the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries. The study used expost-facto design approach and time-series or secondary data covering 2018 to 2020. A sample of 43 countries were used for the study. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression technique was used as a technique for data analysis. The results from the descriptive analysis revealed that ICT access and usage had a higher mean value than internet access which signifies that ICT access and usage contributed more to industrial growth in OECD than internet access (INA). The findings from the analysis of the hypotheses also found that ICT access and usage and internet access have a significant effect on industrial growth in OECD countries. The study, therefore, concluded that big data management had positive effects on industrial growth in OECD countries and recommended that governments of OECD countries should invest more on internet access so as to promote efficiency in big data management and that they should also provide ICT infrastructure that are necessary for effective management of big data and industrial growth.


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