The Role of Motivation in Enhancing Staff Productivity - A Case Study of Onyix and Company Nigeria Limited

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.SE.23.01.Art003

Authors : Gladys Harold Juwah


In this study, how to increase performance and productivity through motivation is of primary interest in Onyix and Company Nigeria Limited. The lack of motivation has formed the bedrock of anti-work vices which is a problem hindering the achievement of organisational goals and objectives. Motivation connotes how to make employees work optimally in the pursuit of the organisational goal. Descriptive research method and different motivational theories were used to identify and proffer solutions on issues affecting worker’s productivity. To achieve this, a survey using the questionnaire was done to gather data, inferences from the responses were drawn. Systematic sampling method was used in selecting the sample size from the population of staff in Onyix and Company Nigeria Limited. Obstacles that impeded workers motivation were established, these obstacles were analysed, a long time and immediate strategies for achieving improvement in the productivity of the organisation through motivation was the focus of this research. Three hypotheses were formulated, and conclusion was drawn from these hypotheses. Calculation and analysis were obtained using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to get the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient while the Chi Square analysis was used to analyse the stated hypotheses. Summary of the findings was carried out, it was evident that the low productivity of the employees is attributed to several management functions, provision of inadequate incentive, supervision, work methods etc, these key factors hinder higher productivity. Recommendation and conclusion were drawn from the analysed data.

Keywords: Motivation, Productivity, Questionnaire, Systematic Sampling, Performance.


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