Exploring How Three (3) Common Psychological Factors Can Affect Students’ Performances While Studying Overseas

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.10.04.Art001

Authors : Mark A. Lewis


This study investigates the influence of three common psychological factors, which are homesickness, cultural differences, and acceptance or fitting in, on the performance of students studying overseas. The study aims to provide detailed knowledge of how these factors can impact academic achievements, adjustments, and the overall well-being of students studying in foreign countries. With a qualitative research approach, the study includes a literature review, data collection, analysis, and interpretation of secondary data from different sources. The findings show that a significant challenge faced by students while studying abroad is homesickness, which leads to emotional distress, concentration problems, reduced motivation, and social interaction disadvantages. Cultural differences can also impose challenges for students as they locate unfamiliar norms, practices, and beliefs that impact their cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and social skills. Moreover, acceptance or fitting in plays a significant role in the satisfaction and academic success of students with positive acceptance. self-confidence, social competence, and a sense of belonging is promoted. On the other hand, negative experiences can result in lowered self-worth, social isolation, and academic impairments. The study recognizes limitations like reliance on secondary data and emphasizes a limited number of psychological factors. Future recommendations include primary data collection, investigation of interactions between psychological factors, and longitudinal designs. This study reveals the significance of resolving psychological factors for supporting the academic performance and overall well-being of students studying overseas.

Keywords: Cultural Differences, Fitting -in, Homesickness.


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