The Impact of the Social Classroom Contract on Students with Learning Disabilities

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.10.04.Art014

Authors : Ladimae Mauline Daoayan-Biaddang, Gilbert Allan Dispo


This study explores how social classroom contracts impact students with learning disabilities. The way that students behave and interact has a direct bearing on how they are taught and learned. The research uses a quantitative method to identify the elements influencing the formation of classroom social contracts, explore how they relate to the student code of conduct, and emphasize the beneficial effects of classroom social contracts for students with learning disabilities. The research shows that giving students a choice and a voice in establishing a social contract in the classroom empowers them to take charge of their education and recognize their potential to make a difference. The student code of conduct, a set of rules and expectations for behaviour in the school setting, is also strongly tied to the classroom social contract. Additionally, classroom social contracts give students a stronger feeling of independence and accountability, promoting a socially conscious and active learning environment. This study emphasizes the transformative potential of social classroom contracts for students with learning disabilities with the possibility of increasing their attendance, engagement, and achievement.

Keywords: Achievement, Attendance, Code of Conduct, Student Engagement, Voice, and Choice.


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