An evaluation of the implementation of the Science-Technology and Society (STS) concept in Science Instruction in secondary schools in Zimbabwe

study evaluated the implementation of the Science-Technology-Society (STS)
concept during science instruction in secondary schools and the possible
constraints to its implementation and the possible solutions the identified
sample consisted of fifteen schools in Makoni District of Manicaland and
involved all the Science Heads of department in the schools including five form
four students per each sampled school. The total number of participants was
was collected using questionnaires, lesson observations and interviews. Results
reflected great discrepancy between the intended and the actual implementation processes
taking place in schools. The results show that the majority of the science
teachers used the lecture method as opposed to the recommended child centered
science teaching approaches. Half the numbers of the teachers are not well
versed with the concept of STS. There is a critical shortage of science
teachers. Lack of resources, staff development workshops and poor science
infrastructure in schools are negatively affecting the implementation of
science-technology-society education in the schools.
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