Identification of Isolated Organisms from Petro Fields by Gene Sequencing

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.03.01.Art020

Authors : Preeti Sing, Ajit Pandya


Hydrocarbon degradation can occur with diverse varieties of microbes in nature. Different chemical compounds have shown their susceptibility to the microbial degradation. . Fungal species generally forms carcinogenic trans – diols while bacterial species generally forms cis – diols. Contaminated soil contained significantly higher amount (50 – 75 %) of gram negative bacteria having genotypes enclosing genes compared to pristine soil (0 – 12.5 %). Application of bioinformatics tools like BLAST has identified microorganism asBacillus cereus, microorganism2 as Pseudoxanthomonasmexicana, microorganism3 as Halomonasdaqingensis and microorganism4 as Parapusillimonasgranuli. These microbes were given names accordingly from PS11 to PS14 respectively. They were assigned unique identification numbers starting from KM192258 to KM192261


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