An approach of implementing Application-as-a-Service (AaaS) model with Open-Source Applications

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR.2014.03.01.Art024

Authors : Shahed Murshed, Mobarak Hossain


Application as a Service (AaaS) is a service component of Cloud computing that falls in the category Software as a Service (SaaS). This paper presents an Application as a Service (AaaS) model using Open Source applications for File Sync, Share and Email solution for organizations. The proposed model enables the organizations to manage all computing resources involved totally by the service provider or by the company itself and the applications are facilitated as service on demand. The target group of the model developed is small organizations running in private cloud environment. We analyzed the common requirements of small scale organizations and that triggered us to develop an AaaS Service model with Open Source applications. This approach enables the organizations easy migration with minimal effort and with least cost. 


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[10.] Mobarak Hossain holds B.Sc. in Software Engineering, He was a scientist trainee at Daimler Chrysler in Bangalore, India. He has been involved in research projects in Cloud Computing in the area of OpenStack Cloud Platform and Cloud Virtualization Techniques.

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[18.] Shahed Murshed holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science (Computer Engineering), an M.Eng in Internetworking and is currently pursuing Ph.D. in Computer Science  at the Texila American University, School of Information Technology. He has been involved in research projects in Cloud Computing in the area of OpenStack Cloud Platform, IaaS Network Infrastructure development and virtualization in Cloud Computing.

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