How Smartphone influences the Lifestyle of School Children and Perception of Students on Smartphone

Objectives: The general objective
of this study is to determine the extent of the influences of smartphones on
school children and perception of school children on smartphones. This
objective is to explore the social behavior, academic performance and health
Background: Smartphone addiction,
its association with smartphone use, and its predictors have not yet been
studied in a Muar, Johor sample. This study investigated the influences of
smartphone and the perception of school children on smartphone in social
behavior, academic performance and health aspects.
Methods: The study was carried
out using convenient sampling method and using cross sectional study. Three
primary schools were selected in Muar district. Each school are composed of
Malay, Chinese and Tamil primary school. The questionnaire distributed were
composed of 30 questions which include the social demographic, social behavior,
academic performance and health aspect.
Results: Over half of the school
children owned a smartphone. From the social behavior aspect, 145 students
disagreed with having emotional changes while away from phone. 166 students
supported the idea of not extending the time spent on smartphone. Form the
academic performance aspect, over half of the respondents agreed to the idea of
banning the usage of smartphone in school compound. From the health aspect, 123
students experienced neck pain after using smartphone for a long time; but,
only less than half of the respondents (58) agreed to the idea of smartphone
causes obesity.
Conclusion: Hypothesis failed. The
school children are not easily influence by the smartphone and their perception
on smartphone are good, as seem in the aspect of social behavior and academic
performance. However, the students have a moderate perception on smartphone
from the aspect of health.
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