Social and Emotional Learning Competencies and Academic Achievement: A Study on Students in Senior High Schools in Ghana

The concept of Social and emotional learning (SEL) is
instituted on the positive youth development which promotes the needs of youth
to be addressed by building backgrounds that encourage outcomes conforming to
school achievement, correspondingly sympathetic relationships with adults and
peers, problem solving, and civic engagement amongst others. Much focus has
been on students’ achievement, thus passing examination and neglecting the
other very important aspect of students’ life which are acquiring skills in
problem sovling, building relationships just to mention a few. The study thus
sought to examine students’ own social and emotional learning competencies
(self awareness, social awareness, self-management and responsible decision
making) in the Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions of Ghana. One hundred and
thirty students constituted the sample. Eighty from Kumasi metro schools and
fifty from Accra Metro schools in the Ashanti and Greater Accra regions
respectively. The SELC questionnaire was used to collect data while the
convenient sampling technique was used in selecting participants. Results
indicated amongs others that female students scored higher on the social
emotional competencies than their male counterparts.
Keywords: Social and Emotional Learning Competencies, Social and
Emotional Learning, self awareness, social awareness, self-management,
responsible decision making, Problem solving, Ghana.
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