Correlates of Consumer Patronage of Shopping Mall in Metropolitan Lagos

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.04.02.Art008

Authors : Bayero Usman Jaafaru


The research is aimed at investigating the pattern and extent of relationship among factors that stimulate consumer patronage of shopping malls in metropolitan Lagos. The Study utilizes survey method with questionnaire and interview as the two instruments used in data collection. Analysis is done largely using descriptive statistics. Also a four point Likert scale is used to measure the variables which form the basis for the use of regression model as the sole tool used in hypothesis testing. Based on the survey of urban shoppers, the study analyses the cognitive attributes of the shoppers towards attractiveness of shopping malls and intensity of the shoppers. The results of the study revealed that ambience of shopping malls, assortment of stores; sales promotions and comparative economic gains in the malls attract higher customer traffic to the malls. The analysis also revealed that class difference of consumers play an important role in choosing shopping malls. In other words, the research reveals a significant relationship between shopping malls sales growth and middle and upper class patronage. The study recommends that Mall Managers should therefore develop appropriate tenancy policies for retaining firms in reference to the socio-demographic factors of customers to satisfy different segments. An appropriate mix of anchor tenants who have different target groups would better attract customers to shopping malls and such assortment of stores could co-exist in a shopping mall successfully without conflict of interest. Shopping mall managers should focus attention on providing information about retailer’s offers beforehand for the customers to make their purchase decision prior to mall visit. There is the need for shopping mall managements to increase social and recreational facilities which acts as driving factors in augmenting the customer’s traffic to the shopping malls. Also, there is the need for government to monitor the sitting of shopping malls in order to ensure adequate space and avoid congestion which is the major feature of traditional markets.

Keywords: Correlate, Consumer, Patronage, Shopping, Mall, Product.


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