Improving Client Service Delivery using Standardized Nursing Care Plan: A Case Study of 37 Military Hospital

determine the effect of standardized nursing care plan on the quality healthcare
delivery. Using
a deductive approach, the experiment would test the hypothesis ‘If electronic health records (EHR) improve quality of health care,
then the use of standardized (electronic) nursing care plans would improve client
services in health delivery’. The experiment was conducted over 15 working days. Pre and post-implementation
feedback from participants selected by cluster sampling was documented and analyzed.
Cochran’s modified formula was used to calculate 66 participants to reflect the total population of nurses
who actually work on the wards and provide care for admitted patients’ in the 37
Military Hospital. This cross section of the nursing population plan care and render
health services on Medical and Surgical Wards that admit female and male clients
and the Dialysis Unit that also plans care for acute and chronic patients of both
genders. The
study revealed that 58 (87.9% ) were of the opinion that LASNCP would be an effective
strategy to promote use of nursing process, 59 (89.4%) agreed an online version
would help nurses to use care plan, and 62 (93.9%) respondents agreed LASNCP can
improve the quality of nursing care patients receive thus accepting the alternate
hypothesis. Uptake and utilization of standardized nursing care plans to improve
client service delivery is recommended.
client service delivery; Standardized Nursing Care Plan; electronic health records; quality of health care.
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