Top Management Commitment to Total Quality Management as A Correlate of Customer Satisfaction in the Nigerian Banking Sector

The need for a
comprehensive understanding of the connection between total quality management and
customer satisfaction cannot be overstressed. It is on this note that this study
seeks to examine the kind of relationship that exists
between Total Quality Management and other three variables, vis-à-vis top
management commitment, employee involvement, and customer satisfaction. The descriptive survey
design was adopted for this study and primary data was collected with the use
of a self-structured questionnaire from one
hundred and thirty-six (136) randomly selected respondents among the employees
of Access Bank Plc. (27); First Bank Nigeria Limited (35); Guarantee
Trust Bank Plc. (30); United Bank for Africa (24); and WEMA Bank (20), in
Akoka, Yaba Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. The hypotheses were
tested using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient at 0.05 level of
significance, with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Scientists
(SPSS 21.0). The findings of the study showed an increase in the Nigerian
Banking Sector top management commitment to Total
Quality Management
will imply increase in TQM implementation; increase in the involvement of money
deposit banks’ staff in the TQM implementation process is also tantamount to an
increase in the Total Quality Management
implementation; and that implementation of Total
Quality Management
significantly correlates increase in customer satisfaction in the Nigerian
banking sector. The study therefore recommends among others that the top management of the Nigerian banking sector should be
committed to Total Quality Management and involve employees in its implementation.
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Customer Satisfaction.
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