Impact of e-service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Study of Afghanistan International Bank

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.01.Art010

Authors : Ahmad Salisu Aliyu


Examining the effects of e-service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction in Afghanistan has been concerned. The aim of this research is to investigate the e-service quality on customer satisfaction in Afghanistan. The research is based on an empirical study using questionnaire as survey instrument to test the hypotheses. The influence of independent variables on depended variable is considered. A pre-test is conducted to obtain the preliminary assessment of internal validity of the research survey instrument, and to address objectives 300 Questionnaire is distributed among the respondents for the present study, the procedure adopted for the present study is categorized as convenience sampling method, collected data is analyzed using SPSS software. The outcome concluded that four of the proposed e-service quality dimensions have significantly positive impacts on the bank customers’ satisfaction, 82 percent of customer satisfaction among customers of e-banking sector significantly depends on the proposed groups of dimensions of e-Service Quality.

Keywords: e-service, quality, customer and satisfaction.


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