An Investigation into Perception of Internal and External Business Environment by Small Medium Enterprise (SMES) – A case of Maramba Market in Livingstone, Zambia

article is an extract of one of the objectives to the study that investigated the
perceptions of small medium enterprises at marimba market in Livingstone district
of Zambia. The study objectives were to establish the current status of small medium
enterprises in the market and to determine the challenges of implementing their
business ideas. Three leading entrepreneurs were interviewed to check their opinion
and these deal in different products which are similar to other traders.
was collected using semi-structured questionnaires and an observation schedule.
One questionnaire was used to collect data from the executive committee of the market
and board members while another gathered data from the small-scale business owners.
An observation schedule was used to collect data which seemed difficult to collect
through semi-structured questionnaires. Qualitative data was analyzed and presented
thematically, while quantitative data was analyzed through Social Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) and was presented in form of tables and figures.
findings of the study were that small scale business enterprises held positive perceptions
on the introduction of small capital investment for small medium enterprises in
the market places such as marimba. However, most well-established business men and
women held a negative attitude towards small medium enterprises due to informal
trading approach. Numerous challenges to the successful implementation of the business
plan and ideas in various sectors of the business. They included: some new comers
in the business sector who preferred other products which do not suit the demand
of the given context and this has led to a huge challenge because both the internal
and external environments have not been read well by the small business enterprises.
study suggested the following coping strategies and measures; Continuing business
Professional Development (CBPD) meetings, increased administration and financial
support, provision of small medium enterprises with equipment and infrastructure,
sensitization on the importance of small business enterprises in the economy and
the enhancement of the human resources with the knowledge of understanding the current
business trends globally so as to avoid certain shocks which might come out as result
of failure to read the market well.
Investigation, Perceptions, Internal and external, business environment and small
medium enterprises.
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