Livelihood Creation for Handloom Weavers through ‘Unique Recognition in Global Market’ – A case Study of Banaras Brocades and Sarees

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.01.Art026

Authors : Nandita Mishra


Handicraft and handloom do not only represent an industry in India but also represent heart and soul of India. It reflects the cultural richness and diversity of India and also supports many families in earning their bread and butter. But Handloom is not giving that push to the economy which ideally it should. As per data, around 13.93 million Indians were engaged in handicraft and handloom production in 2017 and it is estimated to increase to 17.79 million in 2022. Ministry of Commerce has indicated the production of the Indian Handicraft and Handloom sector as being INR 302.57 billion with INR 168.58 billion generated through export. Based on past trends a growth of 16% is expected in 2017-22. But measures must be taken to increase this growth and thereby increasing the income of the artisans.

The handloom industry in India has a significant contribution towards employment generation as well as plays an important role in preserving the cultural identity (Liebl and Roy 2004). Despite measures by Government to protect the indigenous treasures, the economic potential of most of the products has been underutilized. However, with the “Make in India” campaign and Planning Commission giving it due place and priority we hope that handloom sector regains its unique identity. GI (Geographical Indication) Tag is one of the ways to protect the identity of our handloom product and to protect our heritage. This research will discuss about ways and skills in which the traditional Banarasi weavers can keep align with changing customer perceptions and thus enhance their employment skills and also to bring about tangible rural transformation, by enhancing employment skills and measures for preventing migration to other cities and also preventing them to switch to other jobs as unskilled laborers.

Keywords: Handloom sector, Brand Recognition, GI Tagging, Rural Development, Geographical Indication.


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