An Assessment of Factors Influencing Expatriate Mobility in Namibia – A Case Study of the International University of Management – Dorado Campus

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.02.Art008

Authors : Josephine Shailemo


The purpose of this study is to assess the factors influencing expatriate mobility in Namibia specifically for The International University of Management (IUM). It proposes a theoretical framework that explain the importance of using expatriates. The study surveyed ten (10) expatriate lecturers at IUM – Dorado Campus, Khomas region to determine the key factors that significantly influence expatriate mobility. This study has used a mixed approach that made use of qualitative and quantitative research to assess the factors influencing expatriate’s mobility in Namibia (IUM), primary data was used to test hypotheses and the positivist research strategy was employed for the descriptive study that entails the gathering and analysis of qualitative data. The study gave indication of the importance of expatriates, as few studies have explored over the years regarding this matter, but this is a relatively still new issue that need to be discovered by researchers. The findings may yield a purpose for those who wish to take up the position of an expatriate whether it is an assigned expatriate or a self – initiated expatriate.

Keywords: Expatriate, Mobility, Assess, Factors, IUM


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