Recruitment and Selection Practices on the Performance of ZESCO Employees in Zambia

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.SE.19.02.Art028

Authors : Sikalumbi Arona Dewin, Situmba Gabriel


In an increasingly global and sophisticated marketplace, recruitment and selection has become an essential tool for organizations in ensuring that they have the most desirable human resources necessary to achieve their current strategic direction and to continue innovating and growing in the future. This study therefore, aimed at establishing the impact of the recruitment and selection practices at Zambia Electricity Supply Company (ZESCO) and how they affect the performance of the company in Zambia. This study has its theoretical base laid on the decision-making theory as its analytical framework. The qualitative research paradigm was preferred as the study aimed at investigating management processes that involve human beings’ attitudes, attributes, working styles, among others and therefore, difficult to quantify. Interviews and semi-structured questionnaires were used on 80 respondents who were purposefully sampled. The study found out that the overall average performance of the employees is about 60.71%; and that sourcing, attracting, and screening are significant determinants of the performance of the employees at ZESCO which needs to be enhanced.

Keywords: Recruitment, selection, human resource, performance.


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