Organisational Structure and Strategic Business Success in the Petroleum Industry in Uganda

This paper explores the relationship
between organisational structure (ORG) and strategic business success (SBS) in the
petroleum industry in Uganda. ORG was measured using span of control (SPOC), coordination
of functional units (CORD), centralisation (CENT) and decentralisation (DECE). The
study premised on institutional theory. The population was 347 licensed petroleum
companies in Uganda and a sample of 186 was distributed and 174 used for analysis.
The study used a survey research design. Regression and correlation were used to
do analysis. The study used a self-administered questionnaire and semi-structure
key informant interviews. Findings indicate that ORG has positive and significant
relationship with SBS, although DECE and CORD make bigger contributions to ORG and
ultimately SBS, CENT to a less extent. It is recommended that to generate more value,
organisations should adopt CORD and DECE. It is concluded that petroleum companies
should strengthen and manipulate DECE and CORD to meet the growing need of the petroleum
industry. The study concluded that ORG does predict changes in SBS and is an important
predictor of SBS.
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