Gender and Perceived Usefulness of e-HRM Technologies. A Case of the Bankers’ Experience in Tanzania

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.08.01.Art010

Authors : Judith Namabira


This study investigates the impact of gender differences on the perceived usefulness of e-HRM technologies, using 158 observations from a survey conducted in one of the commercial banks in Tanzania. The descriptive statistics show that the e-HRM technologies in the bank have not been perceived as useful. With the T-Test, it has been found out that men perceive the e-HRM technologies more useful compared to women. The paper urges the promoters of e-HRM technologies in organizations to better understand the ways in which the use of such technologies can be enhanced to their employees, particularly women. The study proposes further research on e-HRM and gender, particularly on the impact of e-HRM technologies on spending, time saving, and errors.


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