The Strategic Impact of Total Quality Management on Customer Satisfaction. A Case Study of Colour Fiesta Nigeria Limited

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.08.01.Art011

Authors : Gladys Harold Juwah


The importance of Total Quality Management in businesses today cannot be over emphasised because the over-increasing needs of the customers and the right to quality has taken a long way in ensuring that organisational strategic objectives are set to meet this demand. Customer satisfaction is a major concern of most organisations, this has led to corporate strategies being considered as important in total quality management. This study examines the strategic impact of total quality management on customer satisfaction in Colour Fiesta Nigeria Limited which is involved in printing and publishing. The major aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between senior management commitment in total quality management and the effect it will have on customer satisfaction. It is believed that customers are unsatisfied due to the failure of total quality management hence the active involvement of the top management. Based on the findings, it was revealed that the management of Colour Fiesta is more concerned of continuous quality improvement and customer focus philosophy than benchmarking, employee training, etc. There was also an inconsistency in integrating total quality management with the strategic planning process. In conclusion, the result shows that total quality management plays a vital role in the strategic implementation of customer satisfaction.


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