Is provision of healthcare sufficient to ensure better access? An exploration of the scope for public-private partnership in India

Despite expenditure of 4% of GDP
in 2012 on health, India failed to attain the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) targets through the public sector structure alone. The article
investigated the existing gaps between provision and access to health care by
constructing the health infrastructure index (HII) and health attainment index
(HAI) of two states of West Bengal (WB) and Maharashtra (MAH). Performance of three
outreach programs was evaluated including; the Fair Price shops (FPS), the
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY), and the National Rural Telemedicine
Network (NRTN).
Maharashtra (MAH) had
infrastructure uniformly spread with higher HAI than WB meaning that creating
better health infrastructure leads to attainment of better heath.
Hospitalization costs under the RSBY were higher for WB which had a high
morbidity than MHA. Expansion of NRTN to remote places reduced on the
non-medical costs incurred. The FPS was implemented only in WB and it allowed
access to affordable medicines.
Combined implementation of the
FPS, NRTN and RSBY yielded high benefit, addressing inadequacies in
infrastructure, personnel and high cost of treatment including out of pocket
expenditure. Therefore, the only hope lies in public private partnership (PPP).
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