The Impact of Effective Leadership Practice on Organizational Performance and Growth of state owned banks in Ghana: The Case of National Investment Bank, Ghana

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.04.01.Art002

Authors : John Kwaku Asamoah


The study investigated the impact of effective leadership practices on an organizational growth and development in Ghana with the search light on the operations of National Investment Bank of Ghana (NIB). NIB recently had new management members with a new board of directors in place. For the year 2015 the bank shocked the banking fraternity when it was able to pay huge dividend to state coffers having experienced dividend draught for a long period. It is not too clear whether the leadership practices of the new executives have turned round the fortunes of the bank or the success story is due to the general boom in the banking industry of Ghana.

Random sampling technique was adopted to select some branches of the bank and its headquarters as the study population. Purposive sampling technique was then employed to directly approach officials for their views. The questionnaire technique was the main research instrument while Statistical Package for social science (SPSS) was employed to facilitate the analysis of the data. Findings of the study indicated that the new management team of NIB employed sound communication skills, very fair compensation packages groomed employees to perform better are some of the strategies for shoring up financial performance of the bank. The study therefore concluded by upholding the hypothesis that the recent success story associated with the financial performance of NIB was due to the leadership style of the new management team but not necessarily a direct results from the simile booming performance in the banking industry of Ghana. As a further study, the role ICT played in NIB’s success story deserve investigation.

Keywords: Leadership, productivity, financial performance, effective leadership, organizational performance.


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