Effect of Obesity and Associated Disorders like Diabetes, Dyslipidemia & Hypertension on Levels of Serum Complement Component C3 in Indian Ethnic Population

Obesity is a well recognised as a state of chronic low grade inflammation and the main source of complement factors
is the adipose tissue which is associated with Insulin Resistance, altered glucose
and lipid metabolism, all of which promote the development of metabolic &
cardiovascular disorders. Objective:
Till date no study has been conducted in Indian ethnic population exploring the
relationship of serum complement C3 with obesity and disorders like diabetes,
dylipidemia and hypertension so our objective was to study the effect obesity
& associated disorders on serum C3 levels. Material & Methods: The present study included 290 subjects (121
men & 169 women) out of which 203 (70 %) were overweight 61 (21 %) were
obese class I and 26 (9 %) were Class II obese according to International
Diabetes Federation (IDF) - Modified ATP III criteria. Biochemical parameters
like Serum C3, Fasting sugar levels, serum Insulin levels and lipid profile
were measured. Homeostasis model of assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)
was calculated. Statistical analysis was done by Medcalc.v11.5.0.0.software. Results: Mean C3 levels in total no. patients
were 148.61± 38.82 mg/dl. As BMI increased, there was significant increase in
serum levels of C3. When the distribution of variables were studied in both
sexes, no statistically significant differences were found for all variables
except Age, BMI, blood pressure & C3 levels. Serum C3 also correlated
significantly with BMI (r =
0.812, P< 0.0001), insulin resistance (r= 0.262, P <0.001), Triglyceride
(r = 0.338, P < 0.001) & LDL (r= 0.431, P < 0.001). As associated disorders
with obesity increased, there was significant increase in levels of C3 than only
obese patients with no other associated disorders. (ANOVA, P< 0.001). Conclusion: In this study, association
of serum C3 with increase in BMI was established & also relationship of C3
with Insulin levels, Insulin resistance and cardiovascular risk factors was
found. Our study concluded that obesity associated with dyslipidemia, diabetes
& hypertension have a significant effect in increasing the levels of serum
C3 concentration.
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