Nursing Workforce Education and Its Implication On Maternal Health In Borno State

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJNR.2015.02.01.Art012

Authors : Musa James Lassa


The relationship between nursing and maternal health presents a legitimate policy discussion. In this qualitative descriptive study, the views of nurse experts on the current status of nursing and midwifery education, and workforce development issues as they relate to maternal health in Nigeria was explored. Focus was on experts as they constitute important players in policy decisions related to nursing workforce and maternal health services delivery. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze interview data. The findings of this study indicated that nursing and midwifery schools utilize a rigorous curriculum mandated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN). It was also found that nursing workforce development is plagued by pedagogical issues, gender issues, and multifaceted health systems challenges. These findings suggest that Nigerian nursing workforce is highly unstable and broader policies on workforce training, recruitment and retention are needed to improve maternal health outcomes.


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