The Study of Bedside Handover
Namibia as a
country is not an exception to adverse events due to inadequately managed
beside handover. The country has similar contributing factors which may cripple
the inefficiency of patient handover, for instance high patient turnover in
wards, lack of specific handover guidelines in public hospital settings.
Bedside handover are overlooked in its importance as in the case of Namibia
where it can be regarded as the possible cause of death (that is still under
investigation). From this study support this phenomenon as 60% of the
respondents indicated that they are neutral on such a high-risk matter where
they were supposed to be highly alerted. Currently, bedside handover in public
hospitals is a day-to-day communication event by the health professionals.
However, in Namibia information conveyed is not structured and the patient
participation is not stressed. There is a constant outcry of the implications
of inadequate bedside handover in the public health facilities. A recent
example which ended up in litigation is where a registered nurse was involved
with a high risk pregnant woman who was admitted to a public hospital for an
elective caesarean section for the following day, but since it was a public
holiday (May 1), the operation was not performed. Subsequently the patient died
(New Era, 29 April 2014). This case is possibly a result of miscommunication
during the handover process and shows a lack of accountability.
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