Understanding Global Health, and how it is Reshaping Health Training - A Review

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Authors : Grace Atieno Jalang’o


Global health though seen by a few authors as a bid by the WHO to reposition itself and survive changing times, is now being grasped as critical to addressing existing and emerging global health threats as a result of globalization. The world is increasingly “shrinking” as migration and trade patterns take a dimension that makes the world seem like a global village. While this has it economic benefits it is creating new threats as communicable infections are transmitted from region to region sometimes in a matter of a day. Health threats in a region can be a global concern at any given time; it is therefore necessary that health personnel are effectively equipped to handle such scenario as and when they occur. It is important that training programs are responsive to the changing health challenges and position themselves to offer health training programs that ensurehealth professionals are adequately prepared to address contemporary health threats.

In a “shrinking world” health threats can end up being major catastrophe without timely intervention. This review delves into the need to ensure that health care professionals are equipped to effectively handle conditions that previously were not akin to their country. Training of health care workers must therefore be responsive to changing global trends with the realization that even in the developed nations, health promotion will only be successful if the health threats and shared risks from less developed nations are adequately addressed. Furthermore health action must be executed with an understanding of intricate cultural practice and other psychosocial economic factors that impact health. In essence it is not so much what Global health is defined as that matters but the realization that globalization is a powerful force that is impacting the health scenario and we must ensure health programs equip health workers by changes that address curricula, exposure to international training, collaborations, funding and relevant programs. These will not only provoke interest in global heath practice but ensure that we are adequately prepared to face the contemporary global health challenges.


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