Exploring the perception of women attending Nyagatare Health District, in Rwanda on abortion as one of family planning methods

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJPH.2013.04.02.Art009

Authors : Urindwanayo D, Charlotte Engelbrecht


This paper is focusing on abortion issue in Rwanda particularly the view of population living in Nyagatare District to the abortion. In this study, a quantitative descriptive design with a positivist paradigm guided the whole research process. Two levels of sampling were done. The first was random sampling for the selection of healthcare centres where five healthcare centres were selected out of a total of eighteen. The second level was probability sampling with a systematic strategy, which was used to select the participants at healthcare centres. A total of 137 women volunteered to participate in the study and completed an anonymous questionnaire. The authorisation to carry out the research was obtained from Nyagatare District and five healthcare centres. The research was approved by the University of KwaZulu-Natal Ethics Committee. The gathered data were analysed using SPSS version 19. Among participants 12.4% wish to use abortion as family planning method. The views on abortion remain different among people.

Keywords: Family planning, Abortion, spacing of births, abortion and family planning


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