Investigating the Practice of Total Quality Management as Competitive Advantage in the Pharmaceutical Industry. A Case Study of Tobinco Pharmaceuticals

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DOI: 10.21522/TIJMG.2015.05.01.Art011

Authors : Mark Owusu Ansah


The objective of this study is to investigate the Practice of Total Quality Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The data collected from the field was analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and Microsoft Excel. The demographic profile of respondents was analysed, followed by an analysis of responses provided to investigate the Practice of Total Quality Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry using Tobinco Pharmaceuticals as a case study. Tables, graphs, charts and percentages were used in data presentation and analysis. It was therefore concluded that a company that can produce goods at reduced costs than their competitors, while delivering quality products that satisfy customers will have an advantage over those companies that do not duplicate those feats. The Total Quality Management (TQM) business philosophy of satisfying the customer with quality goods and services reducing waste and empowering workers and suppliers is a method to achieve those goals as well as usage of the six (6) sigma approach which seek to eliminate errors to a significant magnitude.

Keywords: Total Quality Management, Competitive Advantage, Pharmaceutical Industry.


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